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Cotton twill spandex
Cotton satin spandex
Cotton nylon poplin spandex
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Cooperative enterprises
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Shanshan Home Textile Co., Ltd.
Shanshan company and our company established in 2000, trade relations, after a long-term cooperation, Shanshan was "Yihong Textile" attitude of both product quality and service are very satisfied with my company so Shanshan rapid increase in orders, we under the premise of equality and mutual benefit, win-win situation will be!
Cooperative enterprises
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BFC is a well-known multinational companies in the trade with me, start with a small amount of my company for a single test result was lower prices than similar products, but there are good quality, after a long-term cooperation, BFC as I one of several foreign customers the company!
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Add:The Silk Industy Park Of Wangjiangjing County,Jiaxing City Of Zhejiang Province,China.  Tel:86-573-83745878 E-mail:sunmin18@126.com
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